One-stop Solution for Safety & Sustainability Consultation Requirements

“Harmonizing Nature's Rhythm towards Sustainable, Safe & Planned Earth”

+91 9650768633

Environment & Sustainability

Environmental and Sustainability is the capacity to maintain a balanced structure in the ecology and in natural environment of the earth and thus help in conservation and preservation of natural resources to attain sustainable development for the welfare of current and future generations. The areas of Sustainability are economic viability, environmental protection, and social equity. Hence Economics or Commerce & Society which includes Human are the main factors along with environment for Sustainability. So, the important pillars of Sustainability are Human, Social, Economics and Environment and in business activities or in developmental activities, these also become important factors to emphasize. A business can sustain for long term with Sustainable practices and opt for green alternatives by investing in socially responsible and ethical business practices. This will lead to enhanced employment, promotions and branding and better public relations which will ultimately lead to profitability in the long run. These all are achieved through reducing its energy costs, carbon footprint and climate-related business risks.

A nation also requires new infrastructures and development with increased business and these developments should be sustainable in nature complying with all regulations of the policy makers. In recent times with more environment awareness and call for sustainable development by all nations, all decision makers make it necessary to identify negative impact of the project on its biophysical and social environment at early stage of the projectsproject planning and design. Also, with progress of the development and to continue with the operations these developmental projects include sustainable practices and time to time take necessary action to combat adverse impact on environment and society, to comply with the policymakers and to enhance profitability. Here comes the necessity of different Environment and Sustainability services to help the business owners and policy makers in decision-making to shape projects to suit the local environment and present the predictions and options to decision-makers. These services encompass activities such as conservation of natural resources, pollution control, waste management, and community development. These services are ESIAs, ESDDS, Baseline Monitoring Studies, Studies on Climate Change, Topography, Water Resource Management, Environment & Safety Audits, ESG activities & Other Sustainability Assessments

They aim to safeguard the environment, enhance quality of life, and ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities for all. Through initiatives like environmental education, social welfare programs, and sustainable development projects, these services contribute to creating a healthier and more inclusive society for present and future generations.

Nature Bell has a variety of eminent consultants and advisors associated with us as Environmental Safeguard Specialist, Environmentalist, ESG & Sustainability Experts with profound technical skills and knowledge in their respective field who guides, acts and provide end to end solution to any business and project need related to Environment and Sustainability. We have a skilled team to handle critical issues like Carbon Footprint, Climate Change, GHG Emission, Topography Analysis etc. with utmost sincerity.

Environment & Sustainability Services

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    Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) & Environment & Social Due Diligence (ESDD) Studies related to Financial Investment Bankers Guidelines for Developmental & Infrastructural Projects like World Bank, ADB etc.
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    Environment Remediation of Contaminated site.
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    Monitoring Evaluation of Environment, Social & Sustainability.
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    Initial Site Assessment for Environmental & Hazardous Risk Identification & Review.
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    Environmental Mitigation & Compliances Studies for Industrial & Construction Sectors.
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    Forest Conservation & Management.
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    ESG &Sustainability Studies (ESG Rating, ESG Strategy making & Benchmarking, Carbon Foot printing with Life Cycle Analysis or LCA, GRI Indexing Studies, Environment & Social Management & Mitigation Studies of Negative Impacts of Business processes etc.)
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    Climate Change .
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    Baseline Environment Parameters Studies(Air, Water, Soil, Noise Quality Study).
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    Environment Management Plan(Air Pollution Analysis with Air Modelling & Mapping & Mitigation Plan, Water Pollution Analysis & Mitigation Strategies, Soil Pollution Analysis & Mitigation& Management Strategies, Noise pollution Analysis, Noise Modelling & Mitigation).
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    Waste Analysis & Management Plan.
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    Geological & Hydrogeological Studies.
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    Water Conservation & Pollution Mitigation (including RWH).
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    Forest Diversification & Mapping.
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    Land use& Landcover Studies & Planning.